Black Philanthropy Month, Black Business Month, and AYA Foundation walk into a bar…

Spoiler alert: economic empowerment is what’s on tap!

Imagine walking into your favorite local café this August. The air is buzzing with excitement, and you can’t help but notice three charismatic figures huddled together at a table. As you get closer, you realize it’s Black Philanthropy Month, Black Business Month, and AYA Foundation, deep in conversation. They’re not just sharing refreshments – they’re mixing up a potent blend of change, with economic equity as the main ingredient.

Now, you might be wondering, “What’s so special about August?” Pull up a chair, and let me tell you a story.

August has always been a month of significance for the Black community. August 28th, Black Philanthropy Day, crowns Black Philanthropy Month — a month marked by pivotal moments that have shaped our journey:

  • August 28, 1833: The Slavery Abolition Act was passed in British colonies
  • August 28, 1955: Emmett Till was brutally murdered, igniting the civil rights movement
  • August 28, 1963: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech
  • August 28, 2005: Hurricane Katrina reached Category 5, disproportionately impacting Black residents of New Orleans
  • August 28, 2008: Barack Obama accepted the Democratic nomination for president

Each of these moments represents a milestone in our ongoing journey towards equity.

At AYA Foundation, we’re not just observers in this historical café – we’re the baristas, brewing up a powerful concoction of opportunity and impact.

  • We’ve supported over 160 entrepreneurs since our founding
  • AYA-mentored entrepreneurs who hired employees or contractors more than doubled, rising from 34% to 75%
  • Average monthly business revenue more than doubled, increasing by approximately 2.5x from $1,557 to $3,853

These numbers represent real progress!

However, challenges remain. Despite Black women giving 25% more of their wealth compared to white donors, the median wealth of a single Black woman is just $3,300, compared to the median white household’s wealth of $285,000. It’s as if we’re in the same café, but some are restricted to tap water while others have unlimited refills of artisanal coffee.

Black-owned businesses contribute over $200 billion annually to the U.S. economy, yet in Colorado, they represent only 2.8% of small businesses and face a 58% closure risk. We’re committed to changing the menu.

So, what’s our secret ingredient? You. This August, we’re inviting you to be part of our change. Your philanthropy can help us provide more grants, expand our programs, and empower more Black entrepreneurs. Here’s how you can help:

  1. Make a one-time donation of $828 in honor of 8/28
  2. Become a monthly donor with a gift of $82.80
  3. Open a Donor Advised Fund with AYA
  4. Spread the word about our work to your network

Your support doesn’t just help us – it creates a ripple effect, empowering entrepreneurs who then uplift others.

Take, for example, two of our exceptional Black-owned business partners:

SIYG Consulting Firm LLC is revolutionizing business strategy with a focus on racial equity and leadership development. Their expertise has significantly enhanced our program delivery, allowing us to better serve our entrepreneurs.

JHunterMBA is empowering small business owners with comprehensive accounting and tax services. Their approach has strengthened the financial literacy component of our programs, giving our entrepreneurs the tools they need to succeed.

These partnerships exemplify the power of Black businesses supporting each other. When we invest in one Black-owned business, we’re not just helping that enterprise – we’re fueling a network of success that spreads throughout our community.

This August, let’s raise a toast to a future where Black businesses thrive, our communities prosper, and economic equity isn’t just on the specials board – it’s the house favorite.

Are you ready to be part of this change?

With gratitude and determination,

Benilda Samuels

Chief Mixologist of Change (aka CEO)

AYA Foundation

P.S. For our Colorado friends: Your donation of $25 or more could be eligible for a 25% Enterprise Zone Tax Credit, amplifying your impact. It’s like getting a rebate on your order while supporting the whole café!

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